NL Estate Sales Service

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Contact NL Estate Sales, LLC.

Estate Services from A-Z!
NL Estate Sales, LLC. will come to the home, business, or farm to conduct the initial interview and sale inventory. After a decision to liquidate has been made between the client and NL, we then take the burden from you, handling every aspect of the sale:

A. NL will handle the set up of inventory to include display, organization and labeling of all items.

B. NL will price all the estate inventory after extensive research..

C. NL will promote the sale using print ad placement, e-mail and hard copy mailouts to extensive customer base, etc.

D. NL will conduct the sale

E. NL has access to security which can be retained during part or all of the duration of the sale if warranted.

F. NL will deliver the check along with a disclosure booklet showing sale prices of the more prominent items sold , usually within ten (10) working days after sale. This is a normal turnaround to allow checks as well as credit cards to clear.

G. NL works with various charitable groups and Inner Wheel which provides a receipt for income tax purposes.

H. Because NL Estate Sales, LLC. works on a commission basis -- making a percentage of the sale proceeds -- we are extremely motivated to make each sale our greatest one ever.
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